Collection, transport and shipment for disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) produced by ships in the Port of Palermo and the Port of Termini Imerese (PA)

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  • Collection, transport and shipment for disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) produced by ships in the Port of Palermo and the Port of Termini Imerese (PA)

We have extended our activity and therefore we are concessionaires of the urban waste collection service (MSW) produced by ships in the Port of Palermo and the Port of Termini Imerese, guaranteeing them vehicles prepared for the transport of waste in compliance with current regulations.

We operate with small trucks with capacities from 450 Kg to 1,300 Kg and auto-compactors with capacities from 5,300 Kg to 10,800 Kg.

On 9 June 2021, we inaugurated our Garbage & Recycling Area, a temporary warehouse for the enhancement of separate collection from ships, with the set objective of increasing its percentage from the current 40% to 100% within a few months, plus the consequent reduction of the volume of waste to be destined for landfill and the consequent saving of raw materials and energy.

We collect paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, undifferentiated and wet, which once collected are initially stored in our temporary storage where there are dedicated bins for each type of waste, for subsequent transport with our vehicles, in authorised centres for future reprocessing and reuse.

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